Selected Works
Kasper Kovitz – The LessonsBook Design
Anne Duk Hee Jordan – The End Is Where We Start FromBook & Exhibition Design
Feelings are FactsPrint Design
Wiener FestwochenCampaign 2023
Verbund IllustrationsweltCorporate Design, Illustration
Verbund PiktogrammeIcon Design
Buchklub über:lesenIllustration, Print Design
MQ für alleType Design, Campaign
Innovation Map – Wie kommt das Neue in die Welt?Book Design, Communication Design
Stadt Wien PiktogrammeIcon Design
What the world needs nowCampaign, Illustration
Visionen Form geben.Branding, Web Design
Das neue Handbuch zur intellektuellen SelbstverteidigungBook & Web Design
Welt Kultur ArealeBook Design
Entwickler KollektivWeb Design, Illustration
Aichmair, Book, 2014Book Design